Message from the ACVREP Board of Directors to Certificants, Collaborating Professionals and all Stakeholders,
Thank you for sharing your feedback on the new Certification for Occupational Therapists (OTs). Over the past weeks, including at an in-person meeting, the ACVREP Board of Directors carefully reviewed your insights and public comments. Based on this feedback, the OT SME Committee will be revising the proposed certification in collaboration with ACVREP Subject Matter Expert Committees and the ACVREP Board of Directors.
These revisions will change the certification name, align internship hours with the standards set by other ACVREP certifications, and enhance the language to clearly define the expectations and scope of practice for newly certified professionals.
We appreciate your contributions and look forward to continuing to advance high-quality services together.
ACVREP Board of Directors:
Chair: James A Dean (Jamie), MBA, J.D
Vice-Chair: Sarahelizabeth Baguhn, Ph.D., COMS, CATIS
President: Kathleen Zeider, B.A.
Secretary: Laura Bozeman, Ph.D., COMS, CLVT
Treasurer: Harrison Hoyes, B.A.
Executive Committee Member-at-Large: Erica Ihrke, COMS
Michael Bastien, MSLVR, CLVT, CATIS, ATP
Sylvia Stinson-Perez, MSW, MBA, CVRT
Nicole Ross, OD, MSc., FAAO
Kevin Szott, M.S.
Nilima Tanna, OTR/L, CLVT, SCLV
Jennifer Urosevic, B.A.