Certified Assistive Technology Instructional Specialist for People with Visual Impairments (CATIS) Survey
ACVREP's CATIS Subject Matter Expert Committee is in the process of creating the Certification Exam for Certified Assistive Technology Instructional Specialist for People who are Blind or Visually Impaired.
Please help us by providing critical feedback on the content of the test. The CATIS Subject Matter Expert Committee has completed a process of writing testing objectives for each of the knowledge, skills, and judgments considered critical. Please also forward this Survey to other professionals in Assistive Technology for People who are Blind or Visually Impaired so that they may complete the Survey as well. We want as many responses from professionals in the field as possible.
We need you to assess the importance, relevance and frequency of elements for each of these objectives; so put yourself in this mindset as you complete this survey. The survey results will be used to construct a "blueprint" to write exam questions.
They survey should take about 45 minutes to complete. Please complete the survey by Monday June 27, 2016.
Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. It is an important investment that you are making in your profession and we are grateful for your help.
The survey has three parts:
Part 1: Background Questions
This part of the survey asks for your name, email address and 9 background questions. It also gives some short instructions on how to navigate in the survey. The demographic and contact information will not be used for any purpose other than survey analysis.
Part 2: Objectives Ratings
You will be asked to rate 71 Objectives that have been divided into 4 Sections. You will be asked to rate them on scales of Importance, Relevance, and Frequency. You will rate each objective on each of the 3 scales. You may also make comments on each objective if you choose, but it is not required.
- Importance: On this scale, rate how important you believe this objective is for this exam. The lowest number represents little or no importance, while the highest number represents the highest possible importance.
- Relevance: On this scale, rate how relevant you believe this objective is to determining whether or not an examinee should be certified. The lowest number represents little or no relevance, while the highest number represents the highest possible relevance.
- Frequency: On this scale, rate how often this task or objective would need to be performed by an examinee who should be certified. The lowest number indicates the lowest frequency and the highest number represents the highest frequency.
Rate each objective in each section (scroll down to see all objectives in some sections)
Part 3: Section Distribution
This part of the survey is asking what percent of the exam should be focused on each of the 4 sections of the exam. The 4 sections show up on the left, and you type the percent of the exam you feel should be devoted to that section in the box to the right. The percentages need to add up to 100 percent and the survey totals the percentages you have entered at the bottom of the screen next to Total Weight.
The survey will be completed using the Excel survey document that is accessible and can be downloaded by clicking here.
Once you have completed the Excel Survey please attach it to an email and send to kim@itemexperts.com