Certificant Directory

Due to the length of the Cetificant Directory, we have attempted to make finding your information as simple as possible. Please use the form below to assist you in finding your information in the easiest possible manner. Thank you.

Please email us at css@acvrep.org if you should have any questions about your certification.

To list the names in the directory:

  1. Select the Certification (blank will list all)
  2. Select the State (blank will list all)
  3. Enter as much as you need to for a last name (blank will list all)
  4. Click the View Directory Button

The Name, Status and Expiration Date information in this directory are a true and accurate reflection of our records that are derived from primary source data. While ACVREP believes the information to be reliable, human or mechanical error remains a possibility. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact css@acvrep.org.

The State and Country, as well as any information contained in a certificant's expanded profile, is inputted by the certificant and may not be up to date.

If there is no profile button next to a certificant's name, they have elected not to include additional information in an expanded profile.

Certificant Directory
Select Certification:
Select State or Province:
Last Name: (Enter as much of the name as needed. Leave blank to bring back all names.)
Please enter your criteria and click the View Directory button.